Getting Started With Concert.js

The below series of examples teaches the concepts and usage of Concert.js through working sample code with explanations, starting with the most basic concepts and progressing up to demonstrate some advanced uses. See the reference documentation for all the details of everything mentioned here and more.

Indexing and Value Generator Functions

A couple of features of Concert.js are good to know about for complex or pre-built animation sequences.

See below to learn more about indexing and value generators.


A Concert.js sequence can contain large numbers of transformations, modifying numerous different features of hundreds or thousands of objects. Concert.js animates all of these things efficiently by using internal data structures that are well-tuned for quickly seeking to any point along the animation timeline.

Similar to how an index is used in a relational database management system to allow much quicker lookups, Concert.js sequences build their own indexes of the transformation segments they contain, in order to allow much faster determination of which animation segments are active at any point in the animation timeline and which objects and properties need to be touched to jump to that point. Or, put simply, Indexing is the process by which a Concert.js sequence pre-builds various data structures that help enable very short seek times when jumping to any point in the sequence timeline This is useful for one-time jumps to any point, but much more important when doing a continuous run of successive frame-by-frame seeks and updates while a sequence runs, in particular when it is trying to stay in sync with something.

In most cases, indexing isn't something you need to worry about; it is automatically (and quickly) done just before a sequence runs, if the sequence hasn't already been indexed since the last time new transformations were added to it.

However, there may be occasions to invoke the indexer manually. For a very complex and large animation sequence, if the automatic indexing creates noticable lag at the beginning before running starts, it is possible to index the sequence at a time of your choosing so that it is already taken care of when it comes time for the sequence to run.

This can be done using the sequence's index() method. This function takes two arguments. The first is a function to call back when indexing is done. The second is a Boolean value indicating whether to run the indexing asynchronously rather than all at once. For more details on this method, see the reference documentation.

Value Generators

Sometimes the overall path of an animation is known, but the actual values to apply are not determined until a later time. It is possible to pre-build a sequence and add all its transformations, and at some other moment fill in the specific keyframe or segment start and end values to use.

This is accomplished by having the sequence use value generator functions instead of actual values.

Below is an example of this technique being used hand-in-hand with the cloning functionality described in the last step of this tutorial.

// Define sizes and rates and such.
const MissileHeight = 15, ShipNoseOffset = 19, ShipWidth = 75,
  ShipMovementDuration = 1500, ShipMovementAmount = 224,
  MissileLeftRightDuration = 1000,
  Directions = { Up: -1, None: 0, Down: 1 };

// Grab references to page elements for use throughout the code.
const BackgroundArea = document.getElementById("BackgroundArea"),
  Ship = document.getElementById("Ship"),
  GoButton = document.getElementById("GoButton"),
  FireButton = document.getElementById("FireButton"),
  StopButton = document.getElementById("StopButton");

// Variable to store the present movement direction of the spaceship.
let currentDirection = Directions.None;

// Define a sequence which animates the ship moving downward.
let shipDownSequence = new Concert.Sequence();
    target: Ship,
    feature: "top",
    applicator: Concert.Applicators.Style,
    unit: "px",
	  times: [0, ShipMovementDuration],
	  values: [0, ShipMovementAmount]

// Define a sequence which animates the ship moving upward.
let shipUpSequence = new Concert.Sequence();
    target: Ship,
    feature: "top",
    applicator: Concert.Applicators.Style,
    unit: "px",
	  times: [0, ShipMovementDuration],
	  values: [ShipMovementAmount, 0]

// Define a sequence which animates a missile object
// with two transformations:
//    1) A left-to-right movement with a known start and end point
//    2) An up-or-down movement whose start and end values will have
//       to be generated later
// Note that this sequence has no target. It will never actually
// be used; only cloned onto HTML element objects created later.
let missileSequence = new Concert.Sequence();
  { applicator: Concert.Applicators.Style, unit: "px" });
      target: null,
      feature: "left",
      easing: Concert.EasingFunctions.QuadIn,
		times: [0, MissileLeftRightDuration],
		values: [ShipWidth, 480]
      target: null,
      feature: "top",
      easing: Concert.EasingFunctions.ConstantRate,
        times: [0, ShipMovementDuration],

        // Here we see the new thing introduced in this tutorial step.
		// getMissileStartTop and getMissileEndTop
		// are functions defined below.
		// At the moment this sequence is begun, these functions
		// will be called to generate start and end values
		// for the transformation.
        valueGenerators: [getMissileStartTop, getMissileEndTop]

// Function which runs the downward-moving ship sequence specifying
// that upon completion it should run the upward-moving ship sequence.
function runShipDownSequence()
  currentDirection = Directions.Down;
  shipDownSequence.begin({ onAutoStop: runShipUpSequence });

// Function which runs the upward-moving ship sequence specifying
// that upon completion it should run the downward-moving
// ship sequence.
function runShipUpSequence()
  currentDirection = Directions.Up;
  shipUpSequence.begin({ onAutoStop: runShipDownSequence });

// Function which calculates the vertical position at which a
// new missile should appear, based on the current position of
// the spaceship.
function getMissileStartTop()
  let shipBoundingRect = Ship.getBoundingClientRect();
  return Math.round( + ShipNoseOffset - MissileHeight / 2);

// Function which calculates the vertical position at which a
// new missile's animation would end due to the upward or downward
// momentum imparted by the motion of the ship from which it is fired.
// If the ship is moving when the missile is fired, we want the
// missile's end point to reflect vertical movement at the same rate
// and in the same direction.
function getMissileEndTop()
  let startTop = getMissileStartTop();
  if (currentDirection === Directions.Up)
    return startTop - ShipMovementAmount;
  else if (currentDirection === Directions.Down)
    return startTop + ShipMovementAmount;
    return startTop;

// Function to create a new missile, clone the missile movement
// sequence onto it, and begin its animation.
// The missile gets removed at the end point of its animation
// (which is offscreen) to avoid piling up lots of extra useless
// divs and sequences and wasting memory.
function fireMissile()
  let missileTopPosition = getMissileStartTop(),
  missileDiv = document.createElement("div");
  missileDiv.className = "Missile"; = ShipWidth + "px"; = missileTopPosition + "px";

  let newMissileSequence =
    missileSequence.clone(function() { return missileDiv; });
    { onAutoStop: function() { missileDiv.remove(); } });

// Wire up the event handlers.
GoButton.onclick = runShipDownSequence;
FireButton.onclick = fireMissile;
StopButton.onclick =
    currentDirection = Directions.None;

Value generators are described further in the documentation for the addTransformations() method of the Concert.Sequence object.

Want more details?

Reference documentation links for items covered in this step of the tutorial:

Further Exploration

This tutorial has described most of the basics of how to use Concert.js.

You are encouraged to explore all the features and details of Concert.js in depth by perusing the reference documentation.

Happy animating!