Releases, updates, and information
Changes in this release for users of Concert.js:
Changes in this release:
Changes in this release:
method did not set autoStopAtEnd to false as it should (and like syncTo()
Changes in this release:
Concert.js should be considered ready for production use.
What is Concert.js? Concert.js is a JavaScript component for easily defining sequences of changes to CSS styles, DOM objects, or anything else that can be manipulated with JavaScript, and playing these sequences or synchronizing them with media playback, user interaction, or your own components. In short, it animates things, and if you want, it will precisely synchronize those animations with other things.
NOTE: This project, which was dormant for several years and managed previously in a different code repository, is currently in the process of being imported/migrated to GitHub and optimized for modern browsers. Not everything is present, documented, or updated yet. It is recommended to wait until a release beyond the 1.0-alpha series before making use of this code on a production site. The code is in an essentially functional state, however, and testing and playing with it is welcome and invited.