Namespace: EasingFunctions


Pre-defined functions for calculating the current effective distance traveled (represented as a fractional value from 0 to 1) along a transformation time path.
Name Type Description
ConstantRate function Returns a value that increases linearly from 0 to 1 as the current time moves from the start time to the end time; or 0 if the current time is before the start time; or 1 if the current time is after the end time.
QuadIn function Return value is 0 at or before the start time, changes slowly at first, then accelerates as the current time moves closer to the end time, returning 1 at or after the end time. Specifically, uses the formula:
([currentTime - startTime] / [endTime - startTime])2
QuadInOut function Return value is 0 at or before the start time, changes slowly at first, then accelerates to reach the halfway point, then decelerates again at the same rate as the current time moves closer to the end time, returning 1 at or after the end time. Effectively is the same as breaking the transformation in half, applying QuadIn to the first half, and QuadOut to the second half.
QuadOut function Return value is 0 at or before the start time, changes quickly at first, then decelerates as the current time moves closer to the end time, returning 1 at or after the end time. Specifically, uses the formula:
(1 - (1 - ((currentTime - startTime) / (endTime - startTime))2))
Smoothstep function Another function which starts slowly, accelerates to the mid-point, then decelerates, returning 0 at or before the start time and 1 at or after the end time (See